
Note that for now, AI Feynman is only supported on Linux and Mac environments.

From PyPi

To install from PyPi, you may run:

pip install aifeynman

If you run into issues, please ensure that a fortran compiler (such as gfortran) is installed on your computer, and is discoverable in the system path. You may verify this by typing gfortran –version in the terminal. You may also try installing from source, check the FAQ, or file a new issue on github.

From source

First, ensure that your python environment has the following packages:

  • numpy (>= 1.15)

  • torch (>= 1.0)

  • wheel

And that a fortran compiler (such as gfortran) is installed on your computer, and is discoverable in the system path. You may verify this by typing gfortran –version in the terminal.

Then, clone the repository from github. To build the distribution:

python sdist

Then, to install:

pip install dist/feynman-2.0.0.tar.gz