Input format

Mystery file

We expect the mystery file to be a text file which columns are delimited by spaces, tabs or commas. Each row contains D + 1 floats, and describes a data point. The first D floats are the values describing the independent variables in the data point, and the last float describes the dependent variable for the data point. If you’re using numpy, numpy.savetxt should output a valid file format. Here’s a small example that creates a mystery file for y = a + b + c:

import numpy as np
X = np.random.rand(100, 3)
y = np.sum(X, axis=1)
data = np.concatenate((X,y[:, np.newaxis]), axis=1)
np.savetxt('mystery.txt', data)

Operations file

The ops file contains a single line with the basic functions that the brute force search tries

+: add
*: multiply
-: subtract
D: divide        (Put "D" instead of "/" in ops file, since f77 can't load it)

>: increment    (x -> x+1)
<: decrement    (x -> x-1)
~: negate       (x-> -x)
I: invert       (x->1/x) (Put "I" instead of "\" in file, since f77 can't load it)
L: logaritm:    (x-> ln(x)
E: exponentiate (x->exp(x))
S: sin:         (x->sin(x))
C: cos:         (x->cos(x))
A: abs:         (x->abs(x))
N: arcsin:      (x->arcsin(x))
T: arctan:      (x->arctan(x))
R: sqrt         (x->sqrt(x))
O: double       (x->2*x); note that this is the letter "O", not zero
J: double+1     (x->2*x+1)
M: dilogarithm  (x -> Li_2(x); a k a Spence functions)

P = pi
a, b, c, ...: input variables for function (auto-defined and should not be listed in ops file)

For example, 7ops.txt contains the string ” +*D>~R0” which means that brute force tries combinations of addition, multiplication, division, incrementation, negation, square root and zero.